Variable naming in bash script

When it comes to writing a bash script, one of the most important things to keep in mind is how you name your variables. Why is this so important, you might ask? Well, there are a few reasons.

First and foremost, variable naming in bash scripts can greatly affect the readability and maintainability of your code. If you use clear, descriptive variable names, it will be much easier for others (or even yourself) to understand what your script is doing and how it works. On the other hand, if you use vague or confusing variable names, it can make it much more difficult to understand your script.

Another important reason to pay attention to variable naming in bash scripts is that it can affect the functionality of your script. If you use variable names that clash with built-in bash commands or other scripts, it can cause unexpected errors or issues with your script.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some best practices for variable naming in bash scripts, as well as some examples to illustrate these concepts.

Use clear and descriptive variable names

One of the most important things to keep in mind when naming variables in bash scripts is to use clear and descriptive variable names. This means that the variable name should clearly indicate what the variable is used for.

For example, let’s say you have a variable that stores the number of files in a directory. A clear and descriptive variable name for this would be “num_files”, as it clearly indicates that the variable stores a number and that it is related to files in a directory.

On the other hand, a vague or confusing variable name for this would be “x”, as it doesn’t provide any indication of what the variable is used for.

Another example would be if you have a variable that stores a user’s name. A clear and descriptive variable name for this would be “user_name”, as it clearly indicates that the variable stores a name and that it is related to a user.

In summary, when naming variables in bash scripts, it is important to use clear and descriptive variable names that clearly indicate what the variable is used for.

Avoid using variable names that clash with built-in commands or other scripts

Another important thing to keep in mind when naming variables in bash scripts is to avoid using variable names that clash with built-in commands or other scripts.

For example, it would be a bad idea to name a variable “ls”, as this is the name of a built-in bash command that is used to list files in a directory. If you use “ls” as a variable name, it could cause unexpected errors or issues with your script.

Another example would be if you have a script that uses a variable named “path”, and you are using another script that also uses a variable named “path”. If you use the same variable name in both scripts, it could cause unexpected errors or issues.

In summary, when naming variables in bash scripts, it is important to avoid using variable names that clash with built-in commands or other scripts, as this can cause unexpected errors or issues with your script.

Use camelCase or snake_case for naming variables

When naming variables in bash scripts, it is also important to use a consistent naming convention. Two popular naming conventions for variables in bash scripts are camelCase and snake_case.

CamelCase is a naming convention where the first letter of the first word is lowercase and the first letter of each subsequent word is uppercase. For example, “numFiles”, “userName”, etc.

On the other hand, snake_case is a naming convention where words are separated by underscores. For example, “num_files”, “user_name”, etc.

Both camelCase and snake_case are commonly used in bash scripts, and the choice between them is largely a matter of personal preference. However, it is important to use one of these conventions consistently throughout your script.

For example, if you decide to use snake_case, make sure to use snake_case for all of your variable names. This will help to make your script more readable and maintainable.

Here are some examples of variable names using both camelCase and snake_case:

Using camelCase:

numFiles, userName, currentDirectory

Using snake_case:

num_files, user_name, current_directory

When naming variables in bash scripts, it is important to use a consistent naming convention, such as camelCase or snake_case, to make your script more readable and maintainable.

Avoid using special characters and spaces in variable names

Another important thing to keep in mind when naming variables in bash scripts is to avoid using special characters and spaces in variable names.

Special characters such as !, @, #, $, etc. can cause unexpected errors or issues with your script, as they are often used for special meanings in bash. Spaces can also cause issues, as bash treats spaces as special characters that separate commands and arguments.

For example, it would be a bad idea to name a variable “user@name”, as the “@” symbol can cause unexpected issues with your script. Similarly, it would be a bad idea to name a variable “user name”, as the space between “user” and “name” can also cause issues.

Instead, use underscores or camelCase to separate words in your variable names.

When naming variables in bash scripts, it is important to avoid using special characters and spaces in variable names, as they can cause unexpected errors or issues with your script.


In conclusion, variable naming in bash scripts is an important aspect of writing clear, readable, and maintainable code. By using clear and descriptive variable names, avoiding variable names that clash with built-in commands or other scripts, using a consistent naming convention, and avoiding special characters and spaces in variable names, you can greatly improve the readability and maintainability of your bash scripts. Remember that it is always better to spend a little extra time thinking about your variable names, than to spend a lot of extra time trying to understand and fix issues that could have been avoided with proper naming conventions.


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