Bash script: Error prevention

Bash script is a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks and streamlining your workflow. However, as with any programming language, errors can occur and disrupt the smooth operation of your script. In this article, we will discuss some best practices for preventing errors in your bash scripts, as well as some examples to help you understand how to implement them.

Understanding the Basics of Error Prevention

One of the most important steps in preventing errors in bash scripts is to understand the basics of error detection and handling. In bash, errors are indicated by a non-zero exit status, which is returned by the last command executed in the script. If the exit status is zero, the command was successful, and if it is non-zero, the command failed.

For example, consider the following simple bash script:


echo "Hello, world!"

When this script is run, it will print “Hello, world!” to the terminal and return an exit status of zero. However, if we change the script to read:


echo "Hello, world!"
exit 1

The script will still print “Hello, world!” to the terminal, but it will return an exit status of 1, indicating that an error has occurred.

Using exit status for error prevention

Another way to prevent errors in bash scripts is to use the exit status to check for errors after each command. This is done using the “if” statement, which allows you to check the exit status of a command and take action if it is non-zero.

For example, consider the following script:


echo "Hello, world!"

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "An error occurred!"

In this script, the “if” statement checks the exit status of the previous command (echo “Hello, world!”) and if it is non-zero, the script will print “An error occurred!” to the terminal.

This approach can be useful for detecting errors in individual commands, but it can become unwieldy if you need to check the exit status of multiple commands. In this case, it’s better to use a function for error detection and handling.

Using function for error prevention

A function is a block of code that can be called multiple times from different parts of the script. Functions are useful for encapsulating repetitive logic and making the script more readable and maintainable.

For example, consider the following script:


function check_error {
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "An error occurred!"
    exit 1

echo "Hello, world!"

echo "This is a test."

In this script, we’ve defined a function called “check_error” that checks the exit status of the previous command and exits the script with an error message if it is non-zero. We’ve then called this function after each command in the script, making it easy to detect and handle errors.

Using set -e option

Another way to prevent errors in bash scripts is to use the “set -e” option, which causes the script to exit if any command returns a non-zero exit status. This can be useful for detecting errors early on and preventing the script from continuing to execute.

For example, consider the following script:


set -e

echo "Hello, world!"

echo "This is a test."

echo "This will not be executed if an error occurs."

In this script, we’ve added the “set -e” option at the beginning of the script. This means that if any command in the script returns a non-zero exit status, the script will exit immediately, without executing any further commands.

For example, if the second command (echo “This is a test.”) returns an error, the script will exit before executing the third command (echo “This will not be executed if an error occurs.”).

It’s important to note that the “set -e” option can be dangerous if not used properly, as it can cause the script to exit prematurely and leave your system in an unstable state. For example, if you’re using commands that return non-zero exit status as part of their normal operation, such as “grep” when searching for a string that doesn’t exist, the script will exit with an error message even though there is no actual error.

Therefore, it’s recommended to use “set -e” option only in cases where you’re sure that any non-zero exit status indicates an error that should cause the script to exit.

Using try-catch block

Another way to prevent errors in bash scripts is to use a try-catch block. A try-catch block is a way to handle errors in a structured way, similar to other programming languages.

For example, consider the following script:


try() {
  return 0

catch() {
  echo "An error occurred: $1"
  exit 1

try echo "Hello, world!" || catch "Failed to print greeting."

try echo "This is a test." || catch "Failed to print test message."

In this script, we’ve defined a “try” function that runs the given command and a “catch” function that is called if the command returns a non-zero exit status. The “try” function is called with the command we want to run, and if it returns a non-zero exit status, the “catch” function is called with an error message.

This approach can make the script more readable and maintainable, as it allows you to clearly identify which commands can cause errors and how they are handled.


In conclusion, preventing errors in bash scripts is essential for ensuring smooth operation and avoiding unexpected behavior. Understanding the basics of error detection and handling, using exit status for error prevention, using function for error prevention, using set -e option and using try-catch block are some best practices for preventing errors in your bash scripts. By following these best practices and understanding the examples provided, you can create robust and reliable bash scripts that can save you time and effort.


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