Linux Command Articles

du Command in Linux with Examples

Have you ever wondered where all your computer's disk space goes? In the world of Linux, there's a handy tool called the 'du' command that can help you figure it out. Disk space is precious, and knowing how it's being used can be essential for keeping your system...

find Command in Linux with Examples

Welcome to the world of Linux file exploration! If you've ever found yourself searching for files and directories on a Linux system, you're in the right place. In the vast realm of Linux commands, there's one trusty tool that stands out when it comes to finding what...

touch Command in Linux with Examples

In the world of Linux, there's a humble command called "touch" that may not grab the spotlight, but it plays a vital role in managing files and directories. This unassuming command is like a wizard's wand that lets you create new files, update timestamps, and work...

mkdir Command in Linux with Examples

In the world of Linux, where creating and organizing folders is a fundamental task, the mkdir command stands as a trusty ally. Short for "make directory," mkdir is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to create new directories or folders effortlessly. Whether...