Linux Assessment Questions Set – 01

The assessment test is an excellent way to test yourself before starting to study. It gives you an idea of where you should start and why.

Table of Contents

In an assessment test, test your current skills from beginning to advance lever for any subject or topic to check “what do you know and from where you should start learning?”

Here I have put some basic questions for Linux assessment, so you can test your Linux skill and choose right path for Linux Learning.


1.    How can you enter the BIOS CMOS setup utility to enable or disable onboard devices?

  1. Press F10 during the POST
  2. Press Delete during the POST
  3. Press Ctrl+S during the POST
  4. It depends on the motherboard model

2.    In what file do you set the default Linux runlevel?

  1. /etc/inittab
  2. /etc/inittab.conf
  3. /etc/runlevel
  4. /etc/inetd.conf

3.    Which of the following commands will install an RPM package called linuxconcept-1.2.3-i386.rpm on a computer? [select all that apply.]

  1. rpm -Uvh linuxconcept-1.2.3-i386.rpm
  2. rpm -i linuxconcept-1.2.3-i386.rpm
  3. rpm -U linuxconcept-1.2.3-i386.rpm
  4. rpm -e linuxconcept-1.2.3-i386.rpm

4.    How can you tell whether your system is using inetd or xinetd as a super server? [select all that apply.]

  1. Type ps ax | grep inetd and examine the output for sifns of inetd or xinetd
  2. Type superserver to see a report on which super server is running
  3. Look for the /etc/inetd.conf file or /etc/xinetd.d subdirectory, which are signs of inetd or xinetd, respectively.
  4. Examine the /etc/inittab file to see which siuper server is launched by init, which is responsible for this task.

5.    Which printing systems rely on /etc/printcap for printer configuration? [Select all that apply.]

  1. BSD LPD
  2. CUPS
  3. Ghostscript
  4. LPRng

6.    What tool can diagnose and fix many common Linux filesystem problems?

  1. mkfs
  2. fsck
  3. chkdsk
  4. scandisk

7.    How does lpc utility for CUPS differ from its counterpart in BSD LPD and LPRng?

  1. The lpc utility is unique to CUPS; it doesn’t ship with BSD LPR or LPRng.
  2. CUPS doesn’t ship with an lpc command, but BSD LPD and LPRng do.
  3. CUPS’s lpc is much more complex than its counterpart in BSD LPD and LPRng.
  4. CUPS’s lpc is much simpler than its counterpart in BSD LPD and LPRng.

8.    You’re experiencing sporadic problems with a Secure Shell (SSH) login server – users can sometimes log in and sometimes they can’t. What might you try immediately after a failure to help diagnose this problem?

  1. On the server computer, type http://localhost:631 into a web browser to access the SSH configuration page and check its error subpage for error messages.
  2. Tyep diagnose sshd to run a diagnostic on the SSH server daemon (sshd).
  3. Type tail /var/log/messages to look for error messages from the server.
  4. Examine the /dev/ssh device file to look for error messages from the server.

9.    How can an ordinary user select which window manager to run? [Select all that apply]

  1. By editing user configuration files like .xinitrc or .xsession
  2. By editing system configuration files like /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc or /etc/x11/sdm/Xsession
  3. By selecting the window manager from a list presented by a GUI login program
  4. By using the standard Xselector program, logging out, and logging back in

10.    How do HOWTO documents and FAQs differ?

  1. HOWTOs are book-length works on specified subjects; FAQs are terse command summaries
  2. HOWTOs are tutorial documents; FAQs are terse command summaries
  3. HOWTOs are tutorial documents; FAQs are answers to specific questions.
  4. HOWTOs are book-length works on specified subjects; FAQs are answers to specific questions.

11.    What is the function of the ~/.profile file?

  1. It is the user configuration file for the ProFTP server.
  2. It is one of a user’s bash startup scripts.
  3. It is the user configuration file for the ProFile file manager.
  4. Its presence tells tcsh to ignorefile modes.

12.    Which of the following commands displays help on topic when typed in a Linux shell? [select all that apply.]

  1. manual topic
  2. man topic
  3. ? topic
  4. info topic

13.    Which of the following are required when configuring a computer to use a static IP address? [Select all that apply.]

  1. The IP address of the DHCP server
  2. The hostname of the NBNS
  3. The computer’s IP address
  4. The network mask

14.    After unpacking a source code tarball and configuring the software to compile on your system, what command are you likely to need to type to compile the software?

  1. setup
  2. make
  3. compile
  4. gcc

15.    A computer’s hardware clock keeps track of the time while the computer is powered off. In what format may this time be stored on an x86 Linux system? [select all that apply.]

  1. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  2. Internet Time
  3. Local time
  4. 12-hour time


1.   d

2.   a

3.   a, b

4.   a, c

5.   a, d

6.   b

7.   d

8.   c

9.   a, c

10.   c

11.   b

12.   b, d

13.   c, d

14.   b

15.   a, c


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