Install Apache web server on Windows

Introduction – Apache web server

The Apache HTTP server is the most common and widely-used web server on the internet world. The most of the websites and web applications hosted on Apache webserver. It has many powerful features like dynamically loading modules, outstanding media support, and having extensive integration with other popular software.

In this article, we’ll explain the process to install the Apache webserver on the Windows system or server.


Before following the installation steps, make sure you should have the following:

• A Windows system or server
• A user with administrator access
• Internet connection on Windows system

When you have an account to log in on Windows system with administrator privileges log in and follow the below steps to install Apache webserver.

Step 1 – Download Apache web server for Windows

First, you need to download the windows compatible package for Apache web server, which you can download from here.

Go to the apache download page and choose apache version as per your windows operating system for 32-bit or 64-bit.

Step 2 – Extract downloaded Apache file

After downloading the apache’s windows installable files, you need to extract it at c:\ drive.

When the file gets extracted, you will get new folder into C drive with the name of “Apache24” like below image.

Step 3 – Installing Apache web server

To install Apache web server into the Windows system, open the command prompt with administrator privilege.

Go to the bin folder under Apache24 through CLI

cd Apache24in

Use the below command to install Apache webserver

httpd -k install

to start apache webserver on windows use the following command

httpd -k start

Step 4 – Windows Firewall configuration

To run Apache web server, you should allow HTTP and HTTPs ports relatively 80 and 443 on system firewall for inbound and outbound.


Now your Apache web server is installed and ready to serve various content or web application through the internet.


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