How does Linux work?

Linux is a type of operating system (OS) that is based on the Unix operating system. It is open-source software, which means that anyone can access and modify the source code. This makes Linux a popular choice for developers, businesses, and individuals who want a powerful, customizable, and secure operating system.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how Linux works and what makes it different from other operating systems. We will also discuss some of the most popular Linux distributions, or “distros,” and provide examples of how Linux is used in the real world.

What is an Operating System?

An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages the resources of a computer and provides an interface for users and applications to interact with the hardware. The OS is responsible for tasks such as managing memory, processing input and output, and managing the file system.

There are several types of operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Each of these operating systems has its own set of features and capabilities, and they are used in different ways.

How Does Linux Work?

Linux is a type of Unix-like operating system, which means that it is based on the same principles and design as the Unix operating system. Unix was developed in the 1970s by a group of researchers at Bell Labs. It was designed to be a powerful, multi-user operating system that could be used for a wide range of applications.

Linux is similar to Unix in many ways, but it is also different in some key ways. One of the main differences is that Linux is open-source software, which means that anyone can access and modify the source code. This makes Linux a popular choice for developers and businesses that want a powerful, customizable, and secure operating system.

The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system. It is responsible for managing the resources of the computer, such as memory and processing power. The kernel also provides an interface for users and applications to interact with the hardware.

The Linux kernel is written in C and assembly language and is designed to be portable, which means that it can be used on a wide range of hardware platforms. This makes Linux a popular choice for servers, desktops, and embedded systems.

The Linux kernel also has a modular design, which means that different components can be added or removed as needed. This allows developers to customize the operating system to meet the specific needs of their applications.

In addition to the kernel, Linux also includes a wide range of tools and utilities that make it easy to manage and customize the operating system. Some of these tools include the command-line interface (CLI), which allows users to interact with the operating system using text commands, and the graphical user interface (GUI), which provides a more user-friendly interface.

Distributions and Package Management

One of the most powerful features of Linux is its package management system. A package is a collection of software and related files that can be easily installed, updated, and removed from the operating system.

There are several popular package management systems for Linux, including apt, yum, and pacman. Each of these package management systems has its own set of features and capabilities, and they are used in different ways.

For example, apt is the package management system used by the Debian and Ubuntu distributions of Linux. apt is designed to be easy to use and provides a simple command-line interface for managing packages.

yum is the package management system used by the Red Hat and Fedora distributions of Linux. yum is designed to be more powerful than apt and provides a more advanced command-line interface for managing packages.

pacman is the package management system used by the Arch Linux distribution. pacman is designed to be lightweight and efficient, and it uses a simple command-line interface for managing packages.

One of the main benefits of package management systems is that they make it easy for users to install and update software on their Linux systems. This is because package management systems automatically handle dependencies, which are other software packages that are required for a specific piece of software to work properly.

For example, if you want to install a new piece of software on your Linux system, the package management system will automatically check to see if any other software packages are required for it to work properly. If any dependencies are found, the package management system will automatically install them before installing the new software.

This makes it easy for users to keep their Linux systems up-to-date with the latest software and security updates. It also makes it easy for developers to distribute their software to a wide range of users, because they don’t have to worry about handling dependencies themselves.

Popular Linux Distributions

There are several popular Linux distributions, or “distros,” that are used in the real world. Each of these distros has its own set of features and capabilities, and they are used in different ways.

Here are a few examples of popular Linux distros:

  • Debian: Debian is one of the oldest and most popular Linux distros. It is known for its stability and security, and it is used as the base for many other distros, such as Ubuntu. Debian is often used as a server operating system, but it can also be used as a desktop operating system.
  • Ubuntu: Ubuntu is based on Debian and is one of the most popular Linux distros for desktop and laptop computers. It is known for its ease of use and its wide range of software packages. Ubuntu is often used as a beginner-friendly distro and is also used as a base for other distros such as Linux Mint and Lubuntu.
  • Fedora: Fedora is a community-driven distro that is sponsored by Red Hat, a company that is known for its enterprise-grade Linux solutions. Fedora is known for its cutting-edge software and its focus on open-source software. It is often used as a desktop operating system, but it can also be used as a server operating system.
  • Arch Linux: Arch Linux is a lightweight and customizable distro that is designed for experienced users. It is known for its rolling release model, which means that users always have the latest software packages. Arch Linux is often used as a base for other distros such as Manjaro.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): RHEL is a commercial distro that is designed for enterprise-grade Linux solutions. It is known for its stability and security, and it is often used as a server operating system.


Linux is a powerful, customizable, and secure operating system that is based on the Unix operating system. It is open-source software, which means that anyone can access and modify the source code. This makes Linux a popular choice for developers, businesses, and individuals who want a powerful, customizable, and secure operating system.

The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system, and it is responsible for managing the resources of the computer. Linux also includes a wide range of tools and utilities that make it easy to manage and customize the operating system.

One of the most powerful features of Linux is its package management system, which makes it easy for users to install and update software on their Linux systems. This is because package management systems automatically handle dependencies, which are other software packages that are required for a specific piece of software to work properly.


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