Install Nginx on CentOS 7 Operating System

Install Nginx on CentOS 7 Operating System

Nginx, the most popular open-source, HTTP and reverse proxy server with high-performance, use to handle the load of largest sites on the internet. We can use Nginx as a web server and as a reverse proxy for another web server like Apache. If we compare Nginx and...
15 Practical examples of curl command

15 Practical examples of curl command

Curl is the most essential command-line tool in Linux / UNIX for transfer data to or from a server using various protocols. Most common supported protocols to curl utility are HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, TFTP, Telnet, LDAP, etc. Curl has capabilities to...
How to Deploy Rocket.Chat on CentOS 7 Linux

How to Deploy Rocket.Chat on CentOS 7 Linux

Rocket.Chat is a very popular open-source team communication system; it is famous as an alternative to Slack. It provides various features along with helpdesk chat like video conferencing, voice messages, file sharing, API, and many more. Suppose you want to host a...
How to Install VirtualBox on CentOS 7 Linux

How to Install VirtualBox on CentOS 7 Linux

VirtualBox is an Open Source tool, known as a cross-platform virtualization application or software. It used to run multiple operating systems or virtual machines simultaneously on a single hardware. In this VirtualBox installation tutorial, we will explain the...