The three stages of Git

Git is a powerful tool that allows developers to easily manage and track changes in their code. It’s widely used in the software development industry and has become an essential tool for many developers. In this article, we’ll be discussing the three stages of Git and how to use them.

The Three Stages of Git

Git has three main stages that developers use to manage their code: the working directory, the staging area, and the repository. Each stage has its own purpose and is used in different ways to manage code changes.

The Working Directory

The working directory is the first stage of Git, and it’s where developers work on their code. It’s the area where developers make changes to their files and add new files to the project. The working directory is essentially a folder on your computer where you can make changes to your code.

For example, imagine you’re working on a website project and you want to add a new feature to the homepage. You would open the project folder on your computer and make the changes to the files that control the homepage. These changes would be saved in the working directory, but they wouldn’t be tracked by Git yet.

The Staging Area

The second stage of Git is the staging area. Once you’ve made changes to your code in the working directory, you can use the staging area to review and organize those changes before committing them to the repository.

The staging area is essentially a holding area for your changes. You can use it to review your changes and make sure everything is working as expected before committing them to the repository. It’s also a great place to organize your changes into logical chunks, so you can commit them separately.

For example, imagine you’ve made changes to several files in your project, but you only want to commit the changes to one of the files. You would use the staging area to review the changes and add the specific file to the staging area. This way, when you commit your changes, only the changes to that file will be committed to the repository.

The Repository

The third and final stage of Git is the repository. The repository is where all of your code changes are stored and tracked by Git. It’s essentially a database of all the changes that have been made to your code over time.

Once you’re happy with the changes you’ve made in the working directory and the staging area, you can commit them to the repository. This will save a snapshot of your code at that point in time, and it will be tracked by Git.

For example, imagine you’ve made changes to your website project and you’re ready to commit them to the repository. You would use the Git command line to commit your changes, and they would be saved in the repository for future reference.

How to Use the Three Stages of Git

Now that we’ve covered the three stages of Git, let’s take a look at how to use them. The process of using Git can be broken down into three main steps: making changes to your code, reviewing and organizing those changes, and committing them to the repository.

Making Changes to Your Code

The first step in using Git is to make changes to your code in the working directory. This is where you’ll be working on your code and adding new features to your project.

To make changes to your code, you’ll need to open the project folder on your computer and make the necessary changes to the files. Once you’ve made your changes, you can save them and move on to the next step.

Reviewing and Organizing Your Changes

Once you’ve made changes to your code, you’ll need to review and organize those changes before committing them to the repository. This is where the staging area comes in.

To review your changes, you’ll use the Git command line to view the changes you’ve made. You can use the command “git status” to see a list of all the changes that have been made in the working directory. From here, you can review the changes and decide which ones you want to commit to the repository.

To organize your changes, you’ll use the command “git add” to add specific files or changes to the staging area. For example, if you only want to commit the changes to one file, you would use the command “git add file.txt” to add that file to the staging area.

Committing Your Changes to the Repository

Once you’ve reviewed and organized your changes, you’re ready to commit them to the repository. To do this, you’ll use the command “git commit” followed by a message describing the changes you’ve made. For example, you might use the command “git commit -m “Added new feature to homepage” to commit your changes with the message “Added new feature to homepage”.

Once you’ve committed your changes, they’ll be saved in the repository and tracked by Git. You can use the command “git log” to view a history of all the changes that have been made to your code.


Git is a powerful tool that allows developers to easily manage and track changes in their code. By understanding the three stages of Git – the working directory, the staging area, and the repository – developers can effectively use Git to manage their code and collaborate with other developers. By following the steps outlined in this article, developers can make changes to their code, review and organize those changes, and commit them to the repository with ease.


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