red hat Articles

How to Install Node.js and NPM on RHEL 8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

The Node.js is the very well-known JavaScript runtime environment used to JavaScript code server-side execution. It is an Open-source, cross-platform supported environment. It allows you to run the JavaScript code as a standalone application in your machine. It is...

How to Install Nginx on RHEL 8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Operating System

Nginx, the most popular open-source, HTTP and reverse proxy server with high-performance, use to handle the load of largest sites on the internet. We can use Nginx as a web server and as a reverse proxy for another web server like Apache. If we compare Nginx and...

How To Set Up Nginx Server Blocks on RHEL 8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

Nginx Server Block is use to configure and run more than one website or web application on a single server/system. The Nginx Server Block helps us configure web document root (web directory to store website files), use different SSL certificates for each site, and...

How to Install Nginx on RHEL 7 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Operating System

Nginx, the most popular open-source, HTTP and reverse proxy server with high-performance, use to handle the load of largest sites on the internet. We can use Nginx as a web server and as a reverse proxy for another web server like Apache. If we compare Nginx and...