UNIX MCQs – Networking Basics (Part – 1)

UNIX Question and Answer – Networking Basics

UNIX MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions for exam, interview, and Entrance Test

1. What does TCP/IP stand for in UNIX networking?

a) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

b) Time Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

c) Transfer Configuration Protocol/Internet Protocol

d) Transmission Configuration Protocol/Internet Protocol

Answer: a) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

Explanation: TCP/IP is a set of protocols that governs the transmission of data over networks, including the Internet.

2. Which command is used to display network interface configuration in UNIX?

a) netstat

b) route

c) ifconfig

d) ping

Answer: c) ifconfig

Explanation: The ifconfig command is used to configure and display network interface parameters in UNIX.

3. What is the purpose of the netstat command in UNIX networking?

a) Display routing table

b) Display network statistics

c) Configure network interfaces

d) Ping a remote host

Answer: b) Display network statistics

Explanation: The netstat command is used to display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, and other network-related information in UNIX.

4. Which TCP/IP protocol is responsible for ensuring reliable and ordered delivery of data packets?

a) UDP


c) TCP

d) IP

Answer: c) TCP

Explanation: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) ensures reliable and ordered delivery of data packets by establishing a connection-oriented communication.

5. What is the purpose of the route command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface statistics

b) Display routing table

c) Configure IP addresses

d) Ping a remote host

Answer: b) Display routing table

Explanation: The route command is used to view or modify the IP routing table in UNIX.

6. Which TCP/IP protocol is responsible for addressing and routing packets across networks in UNIX?

a) TCP

b) IP


d) UDP

Answer: b) IP

Explanation: IP (Internet Protocol) is responsible for addressing and routing packets across networks in UNIX.

7. What is the default port number for the SSH (Secure Shell) service in UNIX?

a) 22

b) 23

c) 80

d) 443

Answer: a) 22

Explanation: The default port number for the SSH service in UNIX is 22.

8. Which command is used to test network connectivity between two hosts in UNIX?

a) netstat

b) ifconfig

c) ping

d) traceroute

Answer: c) ping

Explanation: The ping command is used to test network connectivity between two hosts by sending ICMP echo request packets.

9. What is the purpose of the traceroute command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display network statistics

c) Trace the route taken by packets to a destination

d) Configure IP addresses

Answer: c) Trace the route taken by packets to a destination

Explanation: The traceroute command is used to trace the route taken by packets to a specified destination, showing each hop along the way.

10. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for sending error messages and operational information in UNIX?

a) TCP

b) IP

c) UDP


Answer: d) ICMP

Explanation: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is used for sending error messages and operational information, such as network unreachable or time exceeded, in UNIX.

11. What is the purpose of the nslookup command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display routing table

c) Query DNS servers for domain name resolution

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: c) Query DNS servers for domain name resolution

Explanation: The nslookup command is used to query DNS (Domain Name System) servers for domain name resolution in UNIX.

12. Which command is used to display the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache in UNIX?

a) arp

b) netstat

c) route

d) ifconfig

Answer: a) arp

Explanation: The arp command is used to display and manipulate the ARP cache, which maps IP addresses to MAC addresses, in UNIX.

13. What is the purpose of the dig command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display DNS information

c) Trace network routes

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: b) Display DNS information

Explanation: The dig command is used to query DNS servers for detailed DNS information, such as DNS records, in UNIX.

14. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring files between hosts in UNIX?

a) FTP



d) Telnet

Answer: a) FTP

Explanation: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for transferring files between hosts in UNIX.

15. What is the purpose of the ssh command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network statistics

b) Configure network interfaces

c) Establish secure shell connections

d) Trace network routes

Answer: c) Establish secure shell connections

Explanation: The ssh command is used to establish secure shell connections between hosts in UNIX.

16. Which command is used to display the DNS (Domain Name System) resolver configuration in UNIX?

a) dnsconfig

b) nslookup

c) resolvconf

d) cat /etc/resolv.conf

Answer: d) cat /etc/resolv.conf

Explanation: The cat /etc/resolv.conf command is used to display the DNS resolver configuration file in UNIX.

17. What is the purpose of the telnet command in UNIX networking?

a) Transfer files between hosts

b) Display network statistics

c) Establish remote shell connections

d) Query DNS servers

Answer: c) Establish remote shell connections

Explanation: The telnet command is used to establish remote shell connections to other hosts in UNIX.

18. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for sending email messages in UNIX?


b) POP3



Answer: a) SMTP

Explanation: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is used for sending email messages in UNIX.

19. What is the purpose of the ifup and ifdown commands in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Start and stop network interfaces

c) Display routing table

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: b) Start and stop network interfaces

Explanation: The ifup and ifdown commands are used to respectively start and stop network interfaces in UNIX.

20. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for retrieving email messages from a remote server in UNIX?


b) POP3



Answer: b) POP3

Explanation: POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) is used for retrieving email messages from a remote server in UNIX.

21. What is the purpose of the curl command in UNIX networking?

a) Transfer files between hosts

b) Download files from the internet

c) Display network statistics

d) Query DNS servers

Answer: b) Download files from the internet

Explanation: The curl command is used to transfer data to or from a server, typically used for downloading files from the internet in UNIX.

22. Which command is used to display the network connection status in UNIX?

a) netstat

b) route

c) ifconfig

d) ipconfig

Answer: a) netstat

Explanation: The netstat command is used to display network connection status, routing tables, and interface statistics in UNIX.

23. What is the purpose of the host command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Query DNS servers for hostname resolution

c) Transfer files between hosts

d) Establish secure shell connections

Answer: b) Query DNS servers for hostname resolution

Explanation: The host command is used to query DNS servers for hostname resolution in UNIX.

24. Which command is used to display the MAC (Media Access Control) address of a network interface in UNIX?

a) macaddr

b) ifconfig

c) arp

d) netstat

Answer: b) ifconfig

Explanation: The ifconfig command can be used to display the MAC address of a network interface in UNIX.

25. What is the purpose of the route add command in UNIX networking?

a) Display routing table

b) Add a route to the routing table

c) Configure network interfaces

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: b) Add a route to the routing table

Explanation: The route add command is used to manually add a route to the routing table in UNIX networking.

26. What is the purpose of the arp command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display routing table

c) Manipulate ARP cache

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: c) Manipulate ARP cache

Explanation: The arp command is used to view and manipulate the ARP cache, which maps IP addresses to MAC addresses, in UNIX.

27. Which command is used to display information about active network connections in UNIX?

a) netstat -a

b) ifconfig

c) arp -a

d) route

Answer: a) netstat -a

Explanation: The netstat -a command is used to display information about all active network connections in UNIX.

28. What is the purpose of the dig command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display DNS information

c) Display routing table

d) Configure network interfaces

Answer: b) Display DNS information

Explanation: The dig command is used to query DNS servers for detailed DNS information, such as DNS records, in UNIX.

29. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring files between hosts in UNIX?

a) SSH

b) FTP



Answer: b) FTP

Explanation: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for transferring files between hosts in UNIX.

30. What is the purpose of the curl command in UNIX networking?

a) Transfer files between hosts

b) Download files from the internet

c) Upload files to a server

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: b) Download files from the internet

Explanation: The curl command is used to transfer data to or from a server, typically used for downloading files from the internet in UNIX.

31. Which command is used to display information about DNS resolver configuration in UNIX?

a) nslookup

b) cat /etc/resolv.conf

c) dig

d) host

Answer: b) cat /etc/resolv.conf

Explanation: The cat /etc/resolv.conf command is used to display the DNS resolver configuration file in UNIX.

32. What is the purpose of the telnet command in UNIX networking?

a) Transfer files between hosts

b) Establish remote shell connections

c) Query DNS servers

d) Display network statistics

Answer: b) Establish remote shell connections

Explanation: The telnet command is used to establish remote shell connections to other hosts in UNIX.

33. Which command is used to display information about network interfaces in UNIX?

a) netstat

b) arp

c) ifconfig

d) route

Answer: c) ifconfig

Explanation: The ifconfig command is used to configure and display network interface parameters in UNIX.

34. What is the purpose of the traceroute command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Trace the route taken by packets to a destination

c) Test network connectivity

d) Display DNS information

Answer: b) Trace the route taken by packets to a destination

Explanation: The traceroute command is used to trace the route taken by packets to a specified destination, showing each hop along the way.

35. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for sending email messages in UNIX?


b) POP3



Answer: a) SMTP

Explanation: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is used for sending email messages in UNIX.

36. What is the purpose of the host command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Query DNS servers for hostname resolution

c) Transfer files between hosts

d) Establish secure shell connections

Answer: b) Query DNS servers for hostname resolution

Explanation: The host command is used to query DNS servers for hostname resolution in UNIX.

37. Which command is used to display the MAC (Media Access Control) address of a network interface in UNIX?

a) macaddr

b) ifconfig

c) arp

d) netstat

Answer: b) ifconfig

Explanation: The ifconfig command can be used to display the MAC address of a network interface in UNIX.

38. What is the purpose of the route add command in UNIX networking?

a) Display routing table

b) Add a route to the routing table

c) Configure network interfaces

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: b) Add a route to the routing table

Explanation: The route add command is used to manually add a route to the routing table in UNIX networking.

39. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for retrieving email messages from a remote server in UNIX?


b) POP3



Answer: b) POP3

Explanation: POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) is used for retrieving email messages from a remote server in UNIX.

40. What is the purpose of the nslookup command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display DNS information

c) Transfer files between hosts

d) Establish secure shell connections

Answer: b) Display DNS information

Explanation: The nslookup command is used to query DNS servers for domain name resolution in UNIX.

41. Which command is used to display information about active network connections in UNIX?

a) netstat -a

b) ifconfig

c) arp -a

d) route

Answer: a) netstat -a

Explanation: The netstat -a command is used to display information about all active network connections in UNIX.

42. What is the purpose of the dig command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Display DNS information

c) Display routing table

d) Configure network interfaces

Answer: b) Display DNS information

Explanation: The dig command is used to query DNS servers for detailed DNS information, such as DNS records, in UNIX.

43. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring files between hosts in UNIX?

a) SSH

b) FTP



Answer: b) FTP

Explanation: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for transferring files between hosts in UNIX.

44. What is the purpose of the curl command in UNIX networking?

a) Transfer files between hosts

b) Download files from the internet

c) Upload files to a server

d) Test network connectivity

Answer: b) Download files from the internet

Explanation: The curl command is used to transfer data to or from a server, typically used for downloading files from the internet in UNIX.

45. Which command is used to display information about DNS resolver configuration in UNIX?

a) nslookup

b) cat /etc/resolv.conf

c) dig

d) host

Answer: b) cat /etc/resolv.conf

Explanation: The cat /etc/resolv.conf command is used to display the DNS resolver configuration file in UNIX.

46. What is the purpose of the telnet command in UNIX networking?

a) Transfer files between hosts

b) Establish remote shell connections

c) Query DNS servers

d) Display network statistics

Answer: b) Establish remote shell connections

Explanation: The telnet command is used to establish remote shell connections to other hosts in UNIX.

47. Which command is used to display information about network interfaces in UNIX?

a) netstat

b) arp

c) ifconfig

d) route

Answer: c) ifconfig

Explanation: The ifconfig command is used to configure and display network interface parameters in UNIX.

48. What is the purpose of the traceroute command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Trace the route taken by packets to a destination

c) Test network connectivity

d) Display DNS information

Answer: b) Trace the route taken by packets to a destination

Explanation: The traceroute command is used to trace the route taken by packets to a specified destination, showing each hop along the way.

49. Which TCP/IP protocol is used for sending email messages in UNIX?


b) POP3



Answer: a) SMTP

Explanation: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is used for sending email messages in UNIX.

50. What is the purpose of the host command in UNIX networking?

a) Display network interface configuration

b) Query DNS servers for hostname resolution

c) Transfer files between hosts

d) Establish secure shell connections

Answer: b) Query DNS servers for hostname resolution

Explanation: The host command is used to query DNS servers for hostname resolution in UNIX.

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