Linux MCQ-05: The X Windows Systems

The assessment test is an excellent way to test yourself before starting to study. It gives you an idea of where you should start and why.

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In an assessment test, test your current skills from beginning to advance lever for any subject or topic to check “what do you know and from where you should start learning?”

Here I have put some basic questions for Linux assessment, so you can test your Linux skill and choose right path for Linux Learning.


1.    You want to reconfigure after changing a computer’s video card, so you type XF86Setup as root and enter the new information in the program’s GUI. When you test the X server, though, you find that your changes had no effect. Why not?

  1. The XF86Setup program is designed to be run by an ordinary user, not by root.
  2. You selected the wrong video card in the XF86Setup program.
  3. You must copy the temporary configuration file created by XF86Setup to /etc/x11.
  4. XF86Setup is a configuration tool for XFree86 3.3.6 and earlier, not for

2.    How would you change the text displayed by XDM as a greeting?

  1. Click Configure -> Greeting from the XDM main menu and edit the text in the resulting dialog box.
  2. Edit the /etc/X11/xdm/xresources file and change the text in the xlogin*greeting line.
  3. Edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config file and change the Greeting option in the xdm area.
  4. Run xdmconfig and change the greeting on the Login tab.

3.    When you configure an X server, you need to make changes to configuration files and then start or restart the X server. Which of the following can help streamline this process?

  1. Shut down X by switching to a runlevel in which X doesn’t run automatically, and then reconfigure it and use startx to test X startup.
  2. Shut down X by booting into single-user mode, and then reconfigure X and use telinit to start X running again.
  3. Reconfigure X, and then unplug the computer to avoid the lengthy shutdown process before restarting the system and X along with it.
  4. Use the startx utility to check the X configuration file for errors before restarting the X server.

4.    Which of the following features do KDM and GDM provide that XDM does not?

  1. An encrypted remote x-based access ability, improving network security.
  2. The ability to accept logins from remote computers, once properly configured.
  3. The ability to select the login environment from a menu on the main login screen.
  4. A login screen that shows the username and password simultaneously rather than sequentially.

5.    Which of the following summarizes the organization of the XF86Config and xorg.conf files?

  1. The file contains multiple sections, one for each screen. Each section includes subsections for individual components (keyboard, video card, and so on).
  2. Configuration options are entered in any order desired. Options relating to specific components (keyboard, video card, and so on) may be interspersed.
  3. The file begins with a summary of individual screens. Configuration options are preceded by a code word indicating the screen to which they apply.
  4. The file is broken into sections, one or more for each component (keyboard, video card, and so on). The file also has one or more sections that defined how to combine the main sections.

6.    You want to enable remote access in GDM. Which of the following is one step you would take in doing so?

  1. Edit the /etc/X11/gdm/gdm-config file and set the DisplayManager.requestPort option to 177.
  2. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file’s X11Forwardingline to read yes.
  3. Edit the /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf file and change the enable line in the [xdmcp] section to yes.
  4. You can’t; this feature isn’t supported by GDM, but it is supported by KDM and XDM.

7.   A monitor’s manual lists its range of acceptable synchronization values as 27-96kHz horizontal and 50-160Hz vertical. What implications does this have for the resolutions and refresh rates the monitor can handle?

  1. The monitor can run at up to 160Hz vertical refresh rate in all resolutions.
  2. The monitor can handle up to 160Hz vertical refresh rate depending on the color depth.
  3. The monitor can handle up to 160Hz vertical refresh rate depending on the resolution.
  4. The monitor can handle vertical resolutions of up to 600 lines (96,000 / 160), but no more.

8.    Which of the following desktop environments is a commercial package?

  1. KDE
  2. GNOME
  3. CDE
  4. XFce

9.    In what section of XF86Config or xorg.conf do you specify the resolution that you want to run?

  1. In the screen section, subsection Display, using the modes option
  2. In the monitor section, using the Modeline option
  3. In the Device section, using the Modeline option
  4. In the DefaultResolution section, using the Define option

10.    You want users to be able to select a new window manager you’ve installed from the GDM login screen. In what directory should you create a configuration file to add this option?

  1. /var/spool/logins
  2. /etc/X11/gdm
  3. /usr/share/xsessions
  4. /etc/X11/xlogin

11.    The following line appear in your X server’s mouse configuration area. What can you conclude?

              Option                “Protocol”        “PS/2”

  1. The mouse is connected to the PS/2 hardware mouse port.
  2. The mouse uses the PS/2 software communication standard.
  3. The computer is an ancient IBM PS/2 system.
  4. The mouse was designed for use with IBM’s OS/2.

12.    The following .xinitrc script is present in a user’s home directory, with the correct permissions. What will be the effect when the user types startx from a text-mode login?

                 startkde &

  1. The xterm program will run, and once it’s started, KDE will start. The X session will terminate when the user exits from KDE, whereupon the xterm will also close.
  2. The xterm program will run and remain active, with no window manager, until the user terminates it. At the time, KDE will begin to start, but X will terminate before KDE can fully load.
  3. The xterm program will run, and once it’s started, KDE will start. The X section will terminate when the user exits from both KDE and the xterm program; quitting either alone will not terminate X.
  4. The xterm program will run and immediately terminate, whereupon KDE will start. KDE will remain active until the user exits from it, whereupon X will also stop.

13.    Which of the following sections is present in the X configuration files for XFree86 4.x and but not for XFree86 3.3.6?

  1. Monitor
  2. ServerLayout
  3. Pointer
  4. Screen

14.    What file should you edit to change the desktop environment or window manager launched by XDM?

  1. ~/.bashrc
  2. ~/.xsession
  3. ~/.xinitrc
  4. ~/.Xresources

15.    What is an advantage of a font server?

  1. It provides faster font displays than is otherwise possible.
  2. It can simplify font maintenance on a network with many x servers
  3. It’s the only means of providing TrueType support for XFree86 4.x.
  4. It enables the computer to turn a bitmapped display into an ASCII text file.

16.    The X-based program MegaProg’s menu font has changed to Times, but you prefer Helvetica in this role. The program’s in-window font was, and should remain, Times. In investigating this problem, you discover several lines in your ~/.Xresources file that seem suspicious. Which one should you edit to fix the problem?

  1. MegaProg*mfont: Times
  2. MegaProg*body: Times
  3. MegaProg*font: Times
  4. Possibly any or none of the above; consult the program’s documentation.

17.    What method do Linux distributions use to start X automatically when the system boots? [Select all that apply.]

  1. Start an XDMCP server from the Start folder
  2. Start an XDMCP server from an ~/.xinitrc script
  3. Start an XDMCP server via a SysV startup script
  4. Start an XDMCP server from init

18.    Which of the following commands tells the X server to accept connections from

  1. xhost
  2. export
  3. telnet
  4. xaccess

19.    You find a reference to the prefdm program in /etc/inittab. What does this program do?

  1. It reads /etc/sysconfig/desktop to determine which XDMCP server to run and then runs the XDMCP server.
  2. It’s an XDMCP server that provides preferential login treatment to important users, such as root.
  3. It displays a dialog box that enables you to select which XDMCP server you want to run as the default.
  4. It runs before the fdm program, preparing data directories to hold important login variables.

20.    What is the advantage of using SSH to tunnel an X session compared to using X’s network features more directly?

  1. SSH supports a higher bit depth than do other network access methods
  2. SSH supports font smoothing, which isn’t possible with more direct connections.
  3. SSH provides compression features to fit larger displays on smaller monitors.
  4. SSH provides encryption features that improve the security of the connection.


1.   d

2.   b

3.   a

4.   c

5.   d

6.   c

7.   c

8.   c

9.   a

10.   c

11.   b

12.   b

13.   b

14.   b

15.   b

16.   d

17.   c, d

18.   a

19.   a

20.   d


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