Linux MCQ-04: Managing Files and Filesystems

The assessment test is an excellent way to test yourself before starting to study. It gives you an idea of where you should start and why.

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In an assessment test, test your current skills from beginning to advance lever for any subject or topic to check “what do you know and from where you should start learning?”

Here I have put some basic questions for Linux assessment, so you can test your Linux skill and choose right path for Linux Learning.


1.    Which of the following options is used with fsck to force it to use a particular filesystem type?

  1. –A
  2. –N
  3. –t
  4. –C

2.    Typing ls –ld wonderjaye reveals a symbolic file mode of drwxr-xr-x. which of the following is true? [select all that apply]

  1. wonderjaye is a symbolic link
  2. wonderjaye is an executable program
  3. wonderjaye is a directory
  4. wonderjaye may be read by all users of the system.

3.    Which of the following pieces of information can df not report?

  1. How long the filesystem has been mounted
  2. The number of inodes used on an ext3fs partition
  3. The filesystem type of a partition
  4. The percentage of available disk space used on a partition

4.    When should programs be configured SUID root?

  1. At all times; this permission is required for executable programs.
  2. Whenever a program should be able to access a device file.
  3. Only when they require root privileges to do their job.
  4. Never; this permission is a severe security risk.

5.    What is an advantage of a journaling filesystem over a conventional (non-journaling) filesystem?

  1. Journaling filesystems are older and better tested than non-journaling filesystems.
  2. Journaling filesystems never need to have their filesystems checked with fsck.
  3. Journaling filesystems support Linux ownership and permissions; non-journaling filesystems don’t
  4. Journaling filesystems require shorter disk checks after a power failure or system crash.

6.    Which of the following command would you type to give all users read access to the file myfile.txt? [Assume that you’re the owner of myfile.txt]

  1. chmod 741 myfile.txt
  2. chmod 0640 myfile.txt
  3. chmod u+r myfile.txt
  4. chmod o+r myfile.txt

7.   You want to use /mnt/cdrom to access your CD-ROM drive, so you insert a CD-ROM into the drive and type mount /mnt/cdrom /dev/cdrom as root, but you receive the error message /mnt/cdrom is not a block device. Why did this happen?

  1. You must first prepare the mount point by typing mountpoint /mnt/cdrom; only then will the mount command succeed
  2. The command reverses the order of the CD-ROM device file and the mount point; it should be mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom.
  3. The /dev/cdrom filename is not valid; you must determine what device file is associated with your CD-ROM drive.
  4. The CD-ROM is defective or the CD-ROM drive is malfunctioning. Try another CD-ROM and, if necessary, replace the drive.

8.    Which of the following umask value will result in files with rw-r—– permissions?

  1. 640
  2. 210
  3. 022
  4. 027

9.    What is wrong with the following /etc/fstab file entry? [Select all thet apply].

                    /dev/hda8          nfs                default        0     0

  1. The entry is missing a mount point specification.
  2. All /etc/fstab fields should be separated by commas.
  3. The default option may only be used with ext2 filesystems.
  4. /dev/hda8 is a disk partition, but nfs indicates a network filesystem.

10.    You see the usrquota and grpquota in the /etc/fstab entry for a filesystem. What is the consequence of these entries?

  1. Quota support will be available if it’s compiled into the kernel; it will be automatically activated when you mount the filesystem.
  2. Quota support will be available if it’s compiled into your kernel, but you must activate it with the quotaon command.
  3. Quota support will be disabled on the filesystem in question unless you activate it with the quotaon command.
  4. Nothing; these options are malformed and so will have no effect.

11.    You want to discover the sizes of several dot files in a directory. Which of the following commands might you use to do this?

  1. ls –la
  2. ls –p
  3. ls –R
  4. ls -d

12.    Which of the following commands can be used to summarize the quota information on all filesystems?

  1. repquota
  2. repquota –a
  3. quotacheck
  4. quotacheck -a

13.    You want to move a file from your hard disk to a floppy disk. Which of the following is true?

  1. You’ll have to use the –preserve option to mv to keep ownership and permissions set correctly.
  2. The mv command will adjust filesystem pointers without physically rewriting data if the floppy uses the same filesystem type as the hard disk partition.
  3. You must use the same filesystem type on both media to preserve ownership and permissions.
  4. The mv command will delete the file on the hard disk after coping it to the floppy.

14.    You’ve installed a commercial spreadsheet program, called WonderCalc, on a workstation. In which of the following directories are you most likely to find the program executable file?

  1. /usr/sbin
  2. /etc/x11
  3. /bin
  4. /opt/wcalc/bin

15.    You type mkdir one/two/three and receive an error message that reads, in part, No such file or directory. What can you do to overcome this problem? [Select all that apply.]

  1. Add the –parents parameter to the mkdir command.
  2. Issue three separate mkdir commands: mkdir one, then mkdir one/two, then mkdir  one/two/three.
  3. Type touch /bin/mkdir to be sure the mkdir program file exists.
  4. Type rmdir one to clear away the interfering base of the desired new directory tree.

16.    Which of the following file-location commands is likely to take the most time to find a file that might be located anywhere on the computer?

  1. The find command.
  2. The locate command.
  3. The whereis command.
  4. They’re all equal in speed.

17.    You want to create a link from your home directory on your hard disk to a directory on a CD-ROM drive. Which of the following types of links might you use?

  1. Only a symbolic link.
  2. Only a hard link.
  3. Either a symbolic or a hard link.
  4. None of the above; such links are not possible under Linux.

18.    You want to track down all the files in /home that are owned by Karen. Which of the following commands will do the job?

  1. find /home –uid karen
  2. find /home –user karen
  3. locate /home –username karen
  4. locate /home karen

19.    What command would you type to change the ownership of somefile.txt from ralph to tony?

  1. chown ralph:tony somefile.txt
  2. chmod somefile.txt tony
  3. chown somefile.txt tony
  4. chown tony somefile.txt

20.    What can you conclude from the following interaction?

                $ which man

  1. The only file called man on the system is in /usr/bin.
  2. The /usr/bin/man program was installed by system package tools.
  3. The /usr/bin/man program will be run by any user who types man.
  4. The first instance of the man program, in path search order, is in /usr/bin.


1.   c

2.   c, d

3.   a

4.   c

5.   d

6.   d

7.   b

8.   d

9.   a, d

10.   b

11.   a

12.   b

13.   d

14.   d

15.   a, b

16.   a

17.   a

18.   b

19.   d

20.   d


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