Git: Extracting fixed issues

Git is a powerful tool that is widely used for version control and collaboration in software development. One of the key features of Git is its ability to track changes made to files and directories over time. This makes it easy for developers to work together on a project, and also allows them to easily revert to previous versions of the code if something goes wrong.

One of the most common tasks that developers need to perform when working with Git is extracting fixed issues from the codebase. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as identifying bugs that have been fixed or understanding how certain features were implemented. In this article, we will explore how to extract fixed issues from a Git repository and provide examples of how this can be done.

Understanding Git Commit Messages

The first step in extracting fixed issues from a Git repository is understanding how commit messages are used to track changes. When a developer makes changes to a file or directory, they will typically create a new commit that contains a message describing the changes that were made. This message should be concise and informative, and should include information about any issues that were fixed or bugs that were resolved.

For example, a commit message might look something like this:

“Fixed bug where login form was not submitting correctly”

In this example, the developer has identified a bug in the code related to the login form, and has fixed the issue. The commit message clearly states that the bug has been fixed, and provides some context about what the problem was.

Extracting Fixed Issues with Git Log

Once you understand how commit messages are used to track changes, you can use the Git log command to extract information about fixed issues. The log command displays a list of all the commits in a repository, along with the commit messages. You can use the –grep option to filter the output by specific keywords.

For example, to extract all the commits that contain the word “fix” in the commit message, you can use the following command:

git log --grep='fix'

This will display a list of all the commits that have the word “fix” in the commit message. From this list, you can easily identify which issues have been fixed and when they were fixed.

Another example, you can use the following command to filter the commits that containing ‘bug’ word in the commit message:

git log --grep='bug'

This will show all the commits that have the word ‘bug’ in the commit message. From this list, you can easily identify all the bugs that were fixed.

Extracting Fixed Issues with Git Blame

Another way to extract fixed issues from a Git repository is by using the git blame command. This command shows the last person who modified each line in a file, along with the commit message for that change. This can be useful for identifying who fixed a specific issue and when it was fixed.

For example, you can use the following command to view the blame information for a file called

git blame

This will display the blame information for each line in the file, along with the commit message for the last change made to that line. From this information, you can easily identify which issues have been fixed and when they were fixed.

In addition to the above commands, you can also use git diff command to check the difference between two commits, and find out what was changed and if any bugs were fixed.


In this article, we have discussed how to extract fixed issues from a Git repository.

By understanding how commit messages are used to track changes, and using Git commands such as git log and git blame, developers can easily identify which issues have been fixed and when they were fixed. This can be useful for identifying bugs that have been fixed, understanding how certain features were implemented, and tracking the progress of a project.

Additionally, Git also provides various other tools to extract information from the repository such as git diff, git tag, git show etc. that can be used in combination with above commands to get detailed information about the fixed issues.


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